First place winners from the Mariachi Vargas Extravaganza in San Antonio have been invited to participate in arts residency programs to share Mexican cultural traditions with students and adults throughout... read more →
As I walked up the third floor of the American Bank Center Selena Auditorium where the mariachi vocal competitions were held, 9-year old San Antonio student Nizhoni Begay had just... read more →
When 18-year-old Odessa High School senior Esteban Velasquez walked on staged at the Ector Junior High School Auditorium on Thursday, December 6 he received a response similar to that of... read more →
Ford Motor Company’s 13th Annual Mariachi Vargas Extravaganza was larger this year than ever before. The growth was due to more events offered as part of the Extravaganza, new schools... read more →
Thats right. Harvard. And theyve been around for about 6 six years. The group was founded by Claudia Garcia from San Diego who now works as a director for mariachi... read more →
Start planning now to attend this years Extravaganza in San Antonio and be sure to make your reservations at the St. Anthony Hotel- the official hotel of the Mariachi Vargas... read more →