On Saturday, December 5, 2020, the 26th Annual Mariachi Vargas Extravaganza premiered on YouTube as the first-ever virtual edition of our festival’s National Vocal Competition, amassing nearly 6,000 views... read more →
Mariachi Vargas looks quite different today as compared to 25 years ago when the first Extravaganza was produced. In 1995, José “Pepe” Martínez, Sr. was the musical director and Federico... read more →
The 24th Annual Mariachi Vargas Extravaganza is less than three weeks away, and more than one thousand mariachi directors, musicians and instructors are confirmed to participate in what is expected... read more →
Rigoberto Mercado An important mission of the Mariachi Vargas Extravaganza, now in its 21st year, is to honor and recognize artists who have made significant contributions to the mariachi genre.... read more →
Mariachi Vargas guitar player and vocalist Arturo Vargas and violinist/vocalist Andres Gonzalez arrive in San Antonio today for the 15th Annual Mariachi Vargas Extravaganza. The two members of Mariachi Vargas... read more →
Plan for a special weekend in Austin... read more →