A Full Recap of the 26th Annual Mariachi Vargas Extravaganza For the past 25 years, mariachi musicians from all over the country have traveled to the city of San Antonio,... read more →
A lo largo del año, mariachimusic.com ha lanzado videograbaciones con actuaciones excepcionales de la 25ª edición del festival anual Mariachi Vargas Extravaganza. Muchos de los videos han sido acompañados por... read more →
Throughout the year, mariachimusic.com has released video recordings featuring exceptional performances from the 25th annual Mariachi Vargas Extravaganza. Many have been accompanied by blog articles posted on our website. Now,... read more →
https://youtu.be/W5hfe6dEups A Pedro Infante se le considera el cantante y actor mexicano de mayor trascendencia de todos los tiempos. Ahora, a 63 años de su muerte, sus grabaciones y películas... read more →
https://youtu.be/W5hfe6dEups Pedro Infante is widely considered the most influential Mexican singer and actor of all time. Today, 63 years after his death, his recordings and films remain surprisingly popular, and... read more →