El día primero de este año, el covid–19 cobró otra vida más, esta vez la de nuestra amiga Cassandra Trejo, quien fue muy conocida en el ambiente de los festivales... read more →
Some called him “Santo Cecilio”; others, “the Mozart of mariachi.” To members of Mariachi Vargas, he was affectionately known as “El Chachalaco.” Regardless of what you called him, Pepe Martínez... read more →
Renombrado por sus habilidades como trompetista y por su carácter jacarandoso y alegre, pasó Jesús Oliva “el Bolis” a mejor vida el 30 de abril de 2020 en Culiacán, Sinaloa.... read more →
Legendary trumpeter Federico Torres was honored in a special presentation during the 5th Annual International Mariachi Conference held at the University of San Diego (USD), March 10 & 11, 2017.... read more →
On November 17, 2015, RIGOBERTO ALFARO was officially named director of the Escuela de Mariachi Ollin Yoliztli Garibaldi, in Mexico City. The school’s previous director, Leticia Soto, who guided that institution admirably... read more →
Lorenzo Negrete (click for video) Congratulations to Texas State University (TSU), which on April 25 and 26 will celebrate the 15th anniversary of its Feria del Mariachi, in San Marcos,... read more →