A huge thanks to Paola Alanis, Clyde Guerra and Nizhoni Begay who represented the Mariachi Vargas Extravaganza in Ashland, Oregon recently. The students were invited by the Oregon Shakespeare Festival... read more →
This is a good weekend to be in San Antonio. The City is hosting it's first-ever Kidcation Week August 12 -18. There's lots of FREE kid-friendly things to do like... read more →
People en Espanol magazine is bringing the Festival People en Espanol to San Antonio, TX on labor day weekend and the Mariachi Vargas Extravaganza winners, Karen Zavala and Texas State mariachi... read more →
Three South Texas, award-winning, Mariachi vocal winners will travel to Ashland, Oregon July 30 through August 5 to perform at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival Green Show. The Oregon Shakespeare Festival... read more →
Thanks to People en Espanol, students at local San Antonio schools will be getting an end of the school year celebration with a performance by Karen Zavala and her trio.... read more →
Gabriela Fuentes, a harp player and mariachi director at McAulisse Middle School, had the privilege of interviewing Steeven Sandoval during the Mariachi Extravaganza Summer Vocal Camp last year. In this... read more →
One of world’s top performing mariachi vocalist and violinist, Steeven Sandoval, will be in San Antonio to lead the 2nd Annual Mariachi Extravaganza Summer Vocal Camp June 24-28 at the... read more →
It's Fiesta time in San Antonio and Mariachi Vargas Extravaganza participants will perform! The prestigious Southwest School of Art is preparing for their many events including... read more →
Fiesta is right around the corner and there is no better way to celebrate Fiesta and the Hispanic culture than the Fiesta Pops event! Fiesta Pops is associated with the... read more →
A huge shout out to Phillip Benavidez and the KVDA Telemundo Team for recording, editing and producing the 18th Annual Mariachi Vargas Extravaganza Vocal and Group Competition DVDs. The... read more →